Budartha Sector
Starport Class and Shipping Lanes
 1 .   .   .   .  |	Regular Runs:
 1   D   D   .   .|     1603-1605	2104-2106
 2 .   D/  .   .  |	1605-1708	2104-2204
 2   .   .   .   .|	1707-1708       2105-2106   
 3 C   .   B   .  |	1707-1907	2105-2305
 3 | C   .   .   .|	1708-1808       2106-2206
 4 |   .   .   E  |	1802-1901	2106-2305
 4 | .   .   C/  .|	1808-1907	2206-2306                     
 5 A   D   B  |.  |	1905-2005	2305-2306
 5 | .   B/ \C+--B|	1907-1908           
 6 |   *   * |/C ||	1908-2008
 6 | *   .   A/ \B|	2005-2105            
 7 |       C/  ./ |	2007-2008
 7 | C---C | . / .|	2008-2106
 8 .\| E/| B--/.  |	2008-2306
 8   A/  C/  .   .|

Short Report of Major Planets in Budartha Sector
Novgrad		A1603	C55978B4
			Novgrad is a thriving trading outpost. 
Yellowmere	A1605	A000645B
			Central Starport for the area.
Night City	A1701	D00098A7
			A mining outpost.
Crystallon	A1703	CS00200C
			A small, independant mining research center.
Solo		A1706	No planets.
Roger's World	A1707	C200258B
			A small, independant mining research center.
Brinfax         A1708	A6A57889
Anni		A1802	D3002406
			A small, independant mining research center.
Straymer	A1805	DS006439 S
			Built around the scout base. Miners and so on.
Parkland	A1806	No inhabited planets.
Heinland	A1808	ES00203B
Sprawl		A1901	DS002696 S
			Outpost from Midway.
Straylight	A1905	B768589B SN
			Secondary Starport, Naval Starport.
Montresor	A1907	C1005878
Bruster		A1908	C41045A9 S
Midway		A2003	B000488E N
			Naval training camp.
Titan		A2005	B5506648
			Colony of Straylight
Elestron	A2006	No inhabited planets.
Konhong		A2007	C00079A9 S
Jetersky	A2008	B0007428 SN
Okinawa		A2104	CS004108 SN
Edo		A2105	CA495798 SN
Shogun		A2106	AS00541B
Clapton		A2204	ES004457
Tokugawa	A2206	C66A6629
			Colony of Straylight
Budhartha       A2305	B1107BAD SN
Lichtinstaad    A2306	B6004009 S