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Lucien's Gauntlet

1203, Spring

Something seemed to be in the air at Lakehome that spring of 1203. Guests and visitors were accumulating at a startling rate.

Brother Antoine had arrived in the fall and asked the magi if he could pass the winter in their valley. After some discussion with Lilia and Etienne, Osprey agreed and Antoine moved in with Etienne. Over the winter, he spent much time talking with Lilia, who found an eager audience for her ideas on cooperation and interaction.

Early in the Spring, Lucien was surprised by the arrival of Cuchlain macAndrew. Osprey did not seem surprised by his friend's appearance, however, for he had already arranged a room for the Scot - even though macAndrew spent a lot of time swimming the lake in salmon shape.

Soon after that, Guillaume the Redcap arrived escorting a woman he introduced as Juana filia Marcus. Juana's reputation preceeded her, she was known as Malloreum Hermeticus, the Hammer of the Order of Hermes, and was known as a stern Quaesitor and strict interpreter of the Code.

Rooms were prepared for both of the new arrivals, which strained the guest capacity of the Covenant to its limit.

Juana spent the first few days going over the events at the Covenant that required Quaesitorial witness, including the admission of Lilia to the Covenant.

Then came the day that everyone but Lucien knew was coming, and that even he suspected. All the magi were summoned to the kitchen, which still served as council chamber. Juana oversaw the meeting. "Osprey of Bjornaer," she began, "do you attest that this apprentice, Lucien, has fulfilled his studies, passed his guantlet and is competent

to take his place among us in the order." "I do," said Osprey. Terrus snorted and muttered something about gauntlets in his day and the laxness of Bjornaer in general. Osprey ignored him and spoke at some length about Lucien's training and studies, telling that he had been accepted by his House as Cuchlain macAndrew would confirm. macAndrew nodded.

"Lucien, will you swear to uphold the Code of Hermes?" asked Juana. Lucien recited the Code from memory and swore to uphold it. Juana replied, I Juana filia Marcus of House Guernicus, recognize you as a magus of the Order of Hermes. What shall be this Magus' name?"

"This is now Leporidaes filius Osprey, Follower of Bjornaer," said Osprey.

"Welcome, Leporidaes," said Juana.

Osprey offered Lucien, err, Leporidaes a wand, surmounted with a carving of a rabbit and decorated with swirling ospreys. "Your sigil, my son."

Things were chaotic for a few moments then as several of the witnesses congratulated Lucien and signatures were affixed to several documents.

Finally, Osprey reminded Leporidaes that he must now formally petition for entrance to the Covenant.

Lucien, rather Leporidaes, paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. Grasping his sigil, Leporidaes cleared his throat and let himself drift into a rhythm he used for storytelling. "Many years ago, a young boy was rescued from one life and given the opportunity to experience a wondrous future. Most people choose the life they wish to pursue, yet in this young man's case his life chose him. Season after season he was groomed by this new life, taught the ways of patience by a loving father figure," he nodded to Osprey, "experienced compassion and perseverance by mother figures," he gestured to the Twins. "And viewed the forcefulness of leadership by a grandf--" Leporidaes paused when looking at the gruff Terrus and decided against completing this line of thought.

"So, over time, this boy became a man. While he does not fully understand his destination, he knows the requirements that the journey demands. I, Leporideas, am that man. I wish to formally petition for admittance to the Covenant, to pursue the future and seek out workings of our world."

Osprey nodded, satisifed at the petition, and looked around the others to see if they had any questions for the new magus.

Terrus grumbled a little, "Rabbit indeed, afraid to go out into the world." He looked around the table, "So be it. Write it down," he said to the Quaesitor.

With that the meeting was over and Terrus and the Twins departed quickly for their labs, while Osprey, Lilia and Cuchlain remained to congratulate Leporideas. Conrad, who was never far from Lilia's side, and two of the other servants brought in food and drink and served the magi. They showed Leporideas a deference that even a day before was lacking.

Lilia approached Osprey, her friendly link to the Covenant. "I should like to fulfill my obligation of a season's work to Lakehome right away. Should I approach Terrus? Is there something in particular I should do for the Covenant?"

"I wouldn't bother Terrus, if I were you," said Osprey. "There are always things to be done: items to enchant to strengthen the covenant, books to write or copy, and so on. If Terrus has a specific need, he will pass it on, fear not."

Last updated: 2 November 2003