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Terrus is the ultimate authority in the Covenant. In practice, Osprey manages most of the affairs of the Covenant that can't be handled by the servants. Terrus reserves to himself the right to distribute the Vis stores, although he is fairly liberal unless he himself has a pressing need.
The most common are the Torches of Sweet Air, developed by Osprey who made most of them. The following areas have a Torch of Sweet Air burning permanently:
Terrus has created six glass Globes of Gnashing Teeth of the Earth, which are intended for Covenant defense. Whichever grog is on duty guarding the stairs (and there is always one), carries two and the others are in a storeroom near the servant's quarters.
Terrus has also created a Pick of Disarming the Enemy, which is kept in the same storeroom and is also intended for Covenant defense.
Osprey constructed the Flute of Fog, which creates a fog when played. It is used to conceal access to the Hermes Portal on the shore end. The Flute is kept in the same storeroom.
The Twins have made two Nets of Exceptional Fishing and two Necklaces of the Lungs of the Fish for use of the servants. With servants wearing the Necklaces setting the Nets, the Covenant is assured a steady supply of fish to eat.
Leporideas' made some Dust of the Floating Beast by accident. He suggest that it cold be used to get recalcitrant oxen or horses up to the upper village should that prove neccessary. There are 3 doses in the stores.
Lilia created the Band of Invisible Flight to protect her carrier pigeons from predators. There is only one at the moment.
The Twins manufactured the Oar of Steering and Rowing, which is kept near the top of the stone spire. The magi can use it to get the shore (if they can conjure a boat or a raft.)
To further ease access to the lake, the Twins created, with Terrus' help, the Lake Portal.
In 1207, the Twins completed the Wand of Bridging to make it easier for non-inhabitants to gain access to the warrens without using the Hermes Portal.
In 1208, Osprey created the Farmer's Drum to help unsure good crop yields.