The Lakehome Saga - People

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The Important Figures in the Saga


Other Magi

Other Mundanes


Whinny (christened such by Lilia) is a feral girl the company found living with horses when they were hunting down rumours of strange beasts. Some time later she came and joined the Covenant, sort of.

Whinny's character sheet which the other players should use sparingly.

Terrus of Tremere

Terrus is an unprepossessing man, always dirty from his work with the earth and Terram, whose ugly features belie an incredibly sharp mind.

He is reclusive to the point of mania; even his fellow magi rarely see him other than at full meetings of the covenant. Even so, he rules Lakehome with an iron hand. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Lakehome is his. Not only did he build most of it, but he had claimed it for himself before anyone else joined. His loyalty is rarely given, but staunchly kept.

His sigil is faint patina of gold around whateve the object the spell is, fading fairly quickly.

As one would expect, his area of focus is Terram, and although he is competent enough in all techniques, most of his other forms are comparatively weak.

He usually wears simple dark robes and carries an iron spade as his talisman.

Although he is exempt from the requirement of covenant service that the other magi must perform, he has done a great deal more than most are likely to. He is emotionally attached to Lakehome, and defends it vigorously.

His laboratory is the lowest point of the Covenant, saving only a few exploratory shafts, and is in a bubble of extremely powerful magical aura(+8). The other magi of the Covenant are already positioning themselves to claim the lab when Terrus dies or enters Final Twilight.

Both his lab and sanctum are permanently protected by a powerful Ward Against the Faeries of the Mountain, cast by Terrus after the first conflict with the dwarves.

Terrus has a gem inset in his forehead, which is usually covered by his hair. Few outside the covenant are aware of it and those inside speculate that it is either a protective charm against faeries or his longevity "potion."

Osprey of Bjornaer

As his name implies, Osprey of Bjornaer has as his heartbeast an Osprey. That beast is reflect in his impressive hooked nose and sharp eyes.

He was lamed early in life, and as a result is more at home in the air than on the ground. Outdoors, he is most often in osprey form, although the Wings of the Soaring Wind is a favorite spell. In the covenant, he wears a woolen cloak which has been enchanted with Rise of the Feathery Body, and although he walks from place to place, if he stops for more than a moment he will soon be hovering above the floor.

His speciality is Auram, and it was he who designed the Torches of Sweet Air, which are now spread throughout the Covenant. Notes on the item are in the library, and indeed, new magi are expected to construct torches for their personal spaces soon after joining.

In his mundane life, Osprey was a Breton, and he retains that culture's love of the bardic arts; he is a competant singer and storyteller in his native Breton, and not bad even in Latin. In osprey form he has explored the area around Lakehome and knows it better than any other of the magi.

Osprey is the magus that Terrus chooses of preference for most missions outside the Covenant, since he is the most cheerfull and outgoing of the magi.

Castoria and Pollia of Ex Miscellanea

The twins, Castoria and Pollia, are rarely seen apart. Their bond is so strong that they often take turns assisting each other in the laboratory, and share a single lab and sanctum. An accident in the lab, resulting in a temporary twilight, served to strengthen the bond, and they act in many ways like a single woman.

The twins are small and delicate, weak and yielding. Their chosen form is Aquam, and their sigil is a dampness on their person. However, they spend so much time underwater, this often goes unremarked. Indeed, as familiar as Osprey is with the area around the lake, the twins are deeply familiar with the lake itself - they possess leather necklaces enchanted with The Lungs of the Fish, and have spent many long hours swimming about the lake and walking the lake floor.

They are relatively recent arrivals to Lakehome, and while not as reclusive as Terrus, they do seem to find each other to be company enough. They are calm, like a deep pool. Indeed the only thing which has been known to arouse their wrath is a threat or insult to the other.

Recently they developed the spell Transform to Water and have begun to spend quite a bit of time as water.

Leporideas filius Osprey, formerly Lucien

Lucien was an orphan acquired by a traveling troupe of entertainers who specialized in song, dance, and drama. Trained early on as an acrobat/dancer, the youngster wowed crowds with feats of comedy and balance. As was encouraged, when dancing with an affluent participant from the crowd a few coins pilfered from a purse helped subsidize the next leg of the tour. Lucien, naturally carried this concept of rewards to all of his acquisitions, and carelessly lifted a pouch from townsman when milling about a market. The nobleman noticed and set off a chase between his guards and Lucien through the city and into the adjoining woods. Much quicker, and craftier, than his pursuers Lucien once in the woods took to the trees and leapt from branch to branch until the men gave up.

Osprey of Bjornaer had been perched in a tree, observing the entertaining contest, and was struck by something about the lad. He flew down, resumed his human form and questioned the boy. Lucien was terrified that the the law was hot on his tail and quickly accepted Osprey's offer of sanctuary.

Over the years, Lucien's initial crime grew in his mind to an infraction which carried with it death. Lucien is especially jittery whenever he deals with law enforcement and is hyper suspicious that the noose is tightening when he is in large cities.

In 1203, Lucien completed his training, took the name Leporideas, and joined the Covenant.

When travelling, Leporideas wears standard attire for the area and weather. Breeches, shirt, hat, boots, maybe a cloak depending on this village. Sturdy but nothing too pricey.

Leporideas' character sheet which the other players should use sparingly.

The Servants and Grogs

Aside from the magi, there are few inhabitants of the Covenant. Each magi has a personal servant (the Twins share one), and there are a few other to fill in the gaps: a cook or two, some general labourers, and so on. All told only ten other folk dwell in the Covenant.

All of the servants also double as grogs, which provides adequate defense since there are so many choke points, and magical armaments in addition to the mundane ones.


Born into a poor family, Xavier was abandoned at an early age once his lineage became evident. It didn't help that he was born mute, which marked him a demon touched and the target for ridicule. Due to his size, Xavier was forced into menial jobs which took advantage of his prodigious size. With these tasks came frequent taunting and demeaning treatment as the man-child struggled to develop and mature.

Xavier is the most senior of the grogs in the Covenant; he has been with Terrus since 1183, when he was 11. They met when Terrus was arranging for a mage to help him cast the Hermes Portal. Xavier is huge, even at the age of 11 he was larger than a full grown man and he was being persecuted by some peasants in a village through which Terrus was passing. Terrus rescued him and Xavier became his servant and bodyguard. Now fully grown, Xavier imposingly stands nearly 8 feet tall and weighs close to 500 hundred pounds.

Xavier's character sheet which the other players should use sparingly.


Osprey found Tanya while wandering in 1198. She had been captured in Poland and made a slave by a small band of robbers. They had tortured her and abused her mercilessly for years. When Osprey found her, she had just finished poisoning them all and was waiting to die. Osprey brought her back to Lakehome.

Toughened by her experiences, she made a place for herself among the grogs. Although she is a pretty good cook, with one exception she refuses to cook for the covenant, since that was one of the things the robbers made her do.

The exception is Leporideas. For reasons no one knows, she has become extremely devoted to the young magus. Even as an apprentice, for him and him alone would she cook meals, and she assumed that when he became a full magus she would be his servant and bodyguard. No one has disputed her right in this.

The robbers delighted in abusing her, and what might have been a lovely face is instead a ruin of scar tissue and she is troubled from time to time by a poorly healed broken rib.

Tanya's character sheet which the other players should use sparingly.


Tonio is one of two grogs who used to serve Katerina in the Roman Tribunal. They were accompanying Frederic when Katerina was slain and had no place else to go and so came with him to Lakehome.

He ended up living at the ruins with the ghost of Iarla Myrddn. Tonio's character sheet which the other players should use sparingly.


Rico, with Tonio, is one of two grogs who used to serve Katerina in the Roman Tribunal. They were accompanying Frederic when Katerina was slain and had no place else to go and so came with him to Lakehome.


Klaus was the first servant/grog to come to the covenant in 1166 at the age of 15. He is (in 1203) a little over 50 years old and showing his age. His arthritis is bad and lately his vision has begun to fail. He complains of a bad back as well.

He is, despite all this, the closest thing the covenant has to a grog sergeant or seneschal. He tries to keeps the supply level adequate and organizes the watch schedule, although since the new century he no longer takes a watch himself.

In 1207, Klaus succumbed to old age and was buried in the new cemetary.


Conrad is the son of one of the farmers in the village. His father was a famer whose farm was failing and whose ox had just died when Osprey suggested he relocate and dangled a new ox as bait. The family, Conrad's father Charles, his younger sister Alianne and himself, moved to Lauvitel, where Charles is now responsible for one of the ox and wagon sets.

Conrad had spent his early years driving the wagon for his father and soon was doing the same for the magi. Captivated by their life, he moved into the tunnels and now serves as servant, bodyguard and wagon driver of choice.

A strapping lad, Conrad is unusually handsome, although he doesn't realize it and becomes shy in the presence of young ladies other than his sister. He favors a quarterstaff and dreams of one day owning a greatsword like he once saw a knight carrying.

With Lilia's arrival in 1202, Conrad became her servant and bodyguard.

With the death of Charles in 1206, Conrad is the last of his family.

Conrad's character sheet which the other players should use sparingly.

The Villagers

Phillippe Charpentier

Phillippe is, as him name implies, the carpenter who lives in the village. Since that is not enough to feed and clothe him, he also has a small garden and raises some chickens. He is one of the leaders of the village, and although uneducated, is still shrewd.

He is in his late twenties and unmarried in 1200.


Charles is a farmer in the lower village, and is the father of
Conrad. He owns one of the few oxen in the village and it is usually his ox and cart that the magi rent when they need to make a supply run to Venosc or Grenoble. Often as not, Conrad does the driving.

Charles died of a serious fever early in 1206.


Marcel came to the village in 1203, brought by Lilia to be the pigeon-keeper for the network of carrier pigeons she was building to increase Lakehome's ability to stay abreast of current news.

His coop and lodging were built not far from Phillippe's workshop in the lower village.

The Lakehome Saga
Last updated: 2 April 2004 e/html>