The Lakehome Saga - Characters Outside the Covenant

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Guillaume of Mercere

Guillaume of Mercere calls
Rochehaut home, but is more often on the travelling than home. He is well suited to his role as Redcap, possessing the Gentle Gift, an uncanny sense of direction and an almost mystical attunement to the Alps.

He arrived in Rochehaut in 1198, and began making the rounds of the covenants in the tribunal. It is commonly known that his master neglected his training, preferring instead to take him on the road, and perhaps as a result, Guillaume's magics work poorly on anyone or anything other than himself. This does not seem to bother him, though, since he is happiest when travelling and spells which aid him in this are his main focus anyway.

He is quick and dextrous man, somewhat homely and unprepossesing. Those who travel with him, though, note that he seems to grow in stature and presence when in areas of strong magic, and some even point to a lab accident in 1200 as the point after which this began to be noticeable. His hair and eyes are brown.

The Lakehome Saga
Last updated: 2 April 2004