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Summer Draws to a Close and The Lake Portal Is Opened

1203, Summer

As Summer drew to a close, the magi, consors, grogs and villagers could look back on a productive season. The rudiments of the carrier pigeon network had been put in place, tapestries now enlivened and insulated the kitchen and the library, a small guest house was in progress in the lower village, and living quarters had been built near the Hermes Portal for Leporideas. That last had been built into the cliff wall by Phillippe and Leporideas had spent some time encouraging the surrounding vegetation to grow up and disguise it as much as possible. He moved the neccessary equipment out of the Caverns and into the building, finding the convenience of the lab to outweigh the lack of aura, at least at the moment.

One day, the magi of Lakehome received an unusual summons, unusual in that it came from Terrus himself. The magi were instructed to gather in a certain tunnel not far from the Twins laboratory at noon the following Friday.

"Leporidaes, do you know what this is about?" asked Lilia

The young mage shook his head, "In the past it has been something very important whenever Terrus is to speak." He bent over into a handstand, "it is best to not be late." With ease he walked down the hall on his hands out of sight.

When the magi arrived, they found that at the end of the tunnel, large blocks of stone had been embedded in the wall and floor, outlining a sort of bent oval. The Twins stood nearby with an expression of excitement on their faces. "The Lake Portal is complete!" they said as the others arrived.

The Lake Portal, the project on which they had been working when they were nearly killed in a lab accident!

Shortly thereafter Terrus arrived. Turning to the Twins he asked, "All is ready?" They stated it was. Terrus examined the rocks carefully and slowly, with the deliberation that was his hallmark. Then he nodded and stepped back. He made the gestures of Perdo and Terram and spoke the words. The stone in the lower part of the oval vanished, leaving a pit a pace deep that ran to the wall. "The wall is thin here," he said, turning to face the wall outlined by the stones. He gestured casually and a hole appeared in the wall. Water rushed through the hole to strike an invisible barrier marked by the stones where it stopped. "Good," said Terrus. He worked his art again and the hole widened, spreading to the edges of the area marked by the enchanted stones of the portal. The water rushed to the fill the gap, but again was stopped by the power of the Twins enchantment. "Good," said Terrus again. Then with a final gesture, the stone below the wall vanished and water rushed into the channel to fill the trench outlined by the stones on the floor. The excavation was complete and there was now a pool and wall open to the lake through which the water could not pass.

As one, the Twins stepped forward and dove gracefully through the wall passing into the lake. They turned back to smile at the other magi then waded through till they stood in the pool portion then stepped out. "The portal gifts those who pass through with the Lungs of the Fish," they said. "But the return does leave one thirsty." One reached down to scoop a handful of water from the pool, but could not raise it out to drink.

"That's amazing," said Lilia.

She turned from gawking at the portal. "And it seems keeping a water skin near the portal might have its merits."

"A good idea," said Osprey, "mention it to the servants, perhaps."

Last updated: 24 November 2003