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The Merinita Arrives

1206, Summer

The whole village turned out to watch as the stranger arrived. The woman had an almost unearthly beauty, slim and frail, but with a commanding presence. She rode a large white horse without a saddle and it seemed to anticipate her every move. As she came, she sang. The village stopped their chores and listened as the ethereal tones echoed around the walls. When she stopped, the village bowed as one. Phillipe Charpentier came forward to help her off her horse. "I am Rufina," she said. "I have come to speak to Lilia."

Phillippe nodded and several of the villagers scurried off to get a message to the magi. From his warren, Leporideas had watched the strange scene.

When Lilia arrived, Rufina was picking at a small dish of food and laughing with Phillipe.

Curious, Leporideas hopped closer to investigate this beautiful stranger and see what she wanted with Lilia.

Rufina smiled. "The fae are not like you. The games are complicated and subtle. Even the wars may be games. This could be one such. More I cannot say without an audience with the Queen. As for gifts ... the fae are eternal. Boredom is the foe, something which entertains or amuses is best. The fae are also lovers of beauty."

"Some beautiful puzzle, perhaps," Lilia mused. "Rufina, would you care to meet the Red Queen? I would be delighted to accompany you and learn more of our specific problem. Do you have the time and inclination for such a journey?"

"Indeed I would. A new regio - you know the term? - to explore is always welcome," she replied.

"I do know the term. And I am delighted you are up for the adventure. Unless you have other business here, I suggest we gather supplies and whatever travelling party we may take tomorrow and plan on leaving the day after that."

"As you wish, sodalis," she said.

"Is there anything you require this evening?"

"No, all is well - wait, is there stabling for Bucephalas, my horse?"

Lilia showed Rufina both the guest house and the stabling facilities. "Then I will see you in the morning. Sleep well."

Lilia hated to interrupt her studies, but felt Rufina's visit was rare and she may not be persuaded again. Besides, it seemed rude to put her off after she had travelled just to help the cause of a strange covenant.

The next day, the small company prepared to leave. Lilia and Leporideas made sure their respective projects could sit for a week or so. Tanya and Conrad would accompany them, and all would walk except Rufina who would ride her surprisingly intelligent horse.

The trip took three days, the first part of which they unwittingly traced the path that Frederic, Alain, Etienne and Antoine had taken. It was a pleasant ride. The forest was cool and green, they once passed through a meadow where wild bees hummed lazily about their business, and twice interrupted wild boars rooting for food. The boars seemed infected with the geniality of the season and merely stared at the company until they had passed on their way.

Arriving at the old camp, now familiar to them all, they made a new fire and showed Rufina the faerie hill. Her eyes grew misty, as though they saw more than the others and she smiled. "Yes, I see it. I shall go in tomorrow."

They passed the night in friendly cameraderie. Rufina's spirits were high, she was happy to be going into the regio and she told them stories, full of humour, about faeries and their doings.

In the morning, she gracefully mounted Bucephalas, and the two rode toward the faerie realm. The others watched her go then broke camp. The return trip was as pleasant as the outward leg had been. They arrived home without incidient and returned to their labours refreshed by their short holiday.

Lilia was excited, interested and anxious to hear what Rufina would say upon her return to Lakehome.

Last updated: 29 July 2004