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A Gift Accepted

1209, Winter

A small company, Leporideas, Lilia, Tanya and Conrad set off at the end of fall toward the Red and Black Courts. The trip was uneventful and at the rendezvous, they met Guillaume.

With some trepidation, they passed int the regio and found themselves in Faerie. For Lilia and Conrad, this was their first time returning in several years and they were surprised to see how little it had changed.

Guillaume and Leporideas were familiar by now with the geography and led their companions quickly to the courts where an elvish page brought them to their quarters. Soon, the page brought word that Guillame and Leporideas were summoned to the Red Queen.

When they returned, they said that the queen would receive them all and inspect their gift but only after the yearly task had been completed. It was Guillaume's year, so he departed on his mission while the others waited.

It was not an unpleasant wait. The clearing where they rested was possessed of an unearthly beauty, and soon after Guillaume left two sprites arrived to play music that soothed the visitors while stirring in them a longing deep and primeval. Soon, Conrad came to sit by Lilia while Tanya sat near Leporideas.

"My lady," Conrad suddenly threw himself at Lilia's feet. "I can hide it no longer. I love you! I am so miserable."

"But Conrad," Lilia cried, turning red, "my heart is set on Alain!"

Tanya, in an uncharacteristic show of emotion, turned to Leporideas. Tears stre amed down her face as she said, "I am lost and my only brother, who I loved more than all the world, is lost to me. The only thing I have is to guard you and k eep you as I failed to do for myself and my brother. I would die if I couldn't keep you safe."

Leporideas gulped at Conrad's words and quickly found that his mouth did not work upon hearing Tanya's confession. Stammering, he looked to Lilia and inched backwards on the grass away from Tanya. "Lilia, what is wrong with them? Is, is it the music that loosens their hearts to say such things?"

Lilia looked miserably at Lep. "So it would seem," she said.

The little man sighed, "I hope it only affects their speech and not their actions. We should be careful so as to not provoke behaviour that will make us uncomfortable. Is there something we can to do shield them?" Leporideas inched closer to Lilia hoping that Conrad would not take it as a challenge.

"I can't think of anything..." said Lilia, wracking her brain. She put her hand s over her ears and concentrated. "Enchantment of Detachment?"

Hands over ears and eyes closed, she cast the spell.

Targetting first Conrad and then Tanya, Lilia cast her spell. The effect was immediate as the two grogs calmed down and began to listen to the music with more detatchment. The faerie musicians were dissappointed, though, and their amused grins dissappeared. They continued to play however.

The musicians played for what could have been minutes or hours or days; Leporideas knew that time seemed to have no meaning here and the others were rapidly learning. At any rate, some time later Guillaume returned a little mud-spattered but otherwise no worse for the wear, and reported his task accomplished.

A little while later, a page returned and summmoned them to meet the Queen. The foxy little faerie they had met before, Reynard, was dancing for the Queen when they arrived. His dance was a slow one punctuated by athletic leaps that contrived to be both stately and lascivious. The Queen, unchanged since they last saw her, all pale beauty clad in red, stood gracefully nearby sipping something from an elegant cup.

Reynard completed his dance and bowed low. The Queen nodded langorously and Reynard withdrew, winking at the Lakehomers as he passed. The Queenn turned to them. "Our Herald told you of our wish and challenge and I am told you now come to answer it?"

"We only hope our gift meets the first of your challenges... and your fine stand ards," said Lilia, with a small curtsey and bowed head. She presented the flowe r to the queen.

The Queen gracefully extended her hand and plucked the flower. "It is cold, like stone. It *is* stone!" A smile of such beauty that the hearts of all the Lakehomers ached crossed her face. "Yes, I can see the patterns that lie within it. It is acceptable. The first part of the challenge has been met." She reached her hand out to one side and the waiting woman placed the metal cup into it. "Accept this gift in return." She offered the cup, a seemingly fragile thing silver worked with a leaf motif and set with deep red gemstones, perhaps garnets, to Lilia.

"Our humble community is deeply honoured, Majesty, and I, personally, am in awe of your generosity. This shall reside with our most valued treasures."

The Queen nodded. "I await your next offering with ... interest."

Last updated: 10 January 2006