| Johnathan Sanders-Davington
His Story |
Cash: 789 L |
Potential Wounds: 8 |
Income: 65 L/month | Unconsciousness: 4 |
| Current Wounds: 2 |
Attributes and Skills:
Strength: 3
- Fisticuffs: 2
- Throwing: 2
- Close Combat (Edged Weapons): 1
Agility: 4
- Stealth: 3
- Marksmanship (Rifle): 3
Endurance: 5
- Wilderness Travel (Foraging): 6
- Fieldcraft: 1
- Swimming: 1
- Tracking: 2
Intellect: 3
- Observation: 2
- Science (Biology): 1
Charisma: 2
- Eloquence: 1
- Linguistics: 4
- Native: English
- Primary: German
Social Level: 5
- Riding (Horse): 4
- Leader: 2
- Piloting (Aerial Flyer): 1
1st - Dilettante Traveller, 2nd - Big Game Hunter
Exceptional Equipment:
Jordan and Jordan .303 Hunting Rifle (Long Hunting Rifle)
(old Susy, never let me down)
Jordan and Jordan .454 Hunting Rifle (Heavy Hunting Rifle)
(affectionately known as the mule)
Holland and Holland Nitro .600 Express (Heavy Double Rifle)
Matched pair of Feldman and Sparks 20 gauge double barrelled shotguns,
(presented by the RMGS when I left Syrtis Major, they were some
good times)
Colt Army Revolver (Heavy Revolver) (last line of defence, dontcha' know)
Hunting Knife (always need a knife when you're in the bush)
Compass (resent from Uncle Algie; saved my life at least twice)
Bible (present from Aunt Tilda, never leaves me)
Pocketwatch (mother gave me when I left London back in '75,
God bless her memory)
Jeff Berry, nexus@panix.com
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